Answer :

national poverty estimate -estimate of poverty all over the nation or a country 
global poverty estimate -estimate of the poverty all over the world

We find difference in national poverty estimates and global poverty estimates because of following reason:

  • The regional income rates and global deprivation levels are distinct.
  • Basic needs can be addressed at various times and in different nations.
  • Thus, with time and place, poorness may vary.
  • That country uses an abstract solution that is deemed suitable for its current level of development and for its agreed minimum social standards.
  • Every country practices an imaginary line that is recognised as appropriate for the existing level of development.
  • E.g. an individual who does not have a vehicle may be considered poor in the United States. Throughout India, car ownership remains a privilege.

Learn more about national poverty

Define the term economic poverty​

What are the causes of poverty​

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