Answer :

Science has really done wonders for all of us and our lives. Science has discovered laws, has invented many new products. Engineers, doctors, and scientists have made a number of gadgets and appliances for use at homes, in offices or in industries. Without science it is difficult to imagine what our like would be like.

Science continues to make our life easier, healthier and safer. Long ago people lived in darkness in the night and did not much know about other countries. Now people have flown to the Moon.  The enormous development on the Earth has been possible due to dedicated scientists and sharing of knowledge.

When I say science, it means mathematical, physical, chemical, biological and medical sciences.  The way we use Science, leads to some important side-effects effects: global warming, pollution, chemical weapons etc.  Unfortunately, science cannot prevent these side effects and potential risks.

In future science will advance more in each area and will contribute to improve quality of our life in each small aspect. Advances in medical science are making our life span longer and healthier.  Use of energy and resources will hopefully become rational and more efficient.  We will be able to eat high quality food and drink high quality water.

In future the science will make the man do wonders that are perhaps not possible to imagine now. Huge amounts are being invested on scientific researches.  More and more jobs and professions may evolve due to science.

Is the man going to help the mankind more in future? At times one wonders if science will make our life more complicated.  It is a good question that  only future can answer.
science is a catagory which consists of 4 subjects.these four subjects are mathematics , chemistry , physics and biology.

in todays world , science and technology has a reached a great height.

we have many moderns gadgets which we use almost everyday.

some of the gadgets that we use in our daily life are computer , laptop , television , washing machine , telephones ,mobile phones etc.

the indian army has become very advanced.

the hospitals are now being able to treat many new diseases.

scientists are still researching for more advancement in the field of science.

we are hoping that our life will become more advanced and easier to live in the future.

the major problem which has occured due to the advancement of science and technology is the pollution.

we are lso hoping that something will be done to face this problem and also some solutions for this will be discovered.

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