Which best describes Bartolomeu Dias? A. He called the native peoples he met Indians because he believed he had reached the Indies. B. He miscalculated the length of his planned route and was lost off the coast of Africa. C. He named the tip of southern Africa the "Cape of Storms" but the king renamed it the "Cape of Good Hope. D. He led the expedition that first circumnavigated the globe. @Sosa4954 - is it B?

Answer :

Thank you for asking the question!
Bartolomeu Dias was the Portuguese explorer. The correct answer is C, as he was the one who named the southern most point of Africa as the Cape of Storm, but later King renamed it. Dias named it as cape of storm due to the tumultuous storm and strong currents which made the ship travel so treacherous and risky. He was the first Portuguese sailor who opened the sea route from Europe to Asia. thus he established the trade ties between these two countries. 
Hope it helps.

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