Devyani purchased earrings for Rs. 28,400 including a VAT of 5%. Find the price
of the earrings before VAT was added.

Answer :


To find the price of the earrings before VAT was added, we need to first calculate the portion of the total price that the VAT represents, and then subtract that from the total price.

Let x be the price of the earrings before VAT was added.

We know that the total price including VAT is Rs. 28,400, and the VAT rate is 5%.

So, the portion of the total price that the VAT represents is 5% of x, which is 0.05x.

Therefore, the price of the earrings before VAT was added (x) can be calculated using the equation:

x + 0.05x = 28,400

Simplifying the equation:

1.05x = 28,400

Dividing both sides by 1.05 to solve for x:

x = 28,400 / 1.05

x ≈ 27,047.62

So, the price of the earrings before VAT was added is approximately Rs. 27,047.62.


The price of earnings before VAT was added be Rs 27047.62

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that, Devyani purchased earrings for Rs. 28, 400 including a VAT of 5 %

Let assume that price of earnings before VAT was added be Rs x.

So, We have

[tex]\sf\: x + 5\% \: of \: x = 28400 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: x + \dfrac{5}{100} \: \times \: x = 28400 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: x + \dfrac{1}{20} \: \times \: x = 28400 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: x + \dfrac{x}{20} = 28400 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: \dfrac{20x + x}{20} = 28400 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: \dfrac{21x}{20} = 28400 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\: x = \dfrac{20}{21} \times 28400 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\implies\sf\:x = 27047.62 \\ [/tex]

Hence, the price of earnings before VAT was added be Rs 27047.62

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