Answer :


train covers 1,28,744km in 28 hours

distance covered in 1 hour = 1,28,744÷28 = 4,598

so, the distance covered in 1 hour is 4,598 km

Answer: , the distance covered by the train in 1 hour is 4,597 kilometers.

To find the distance covered by the train in 1 hour, we divide the total distance covered by the train by the total time taken.

Distance covered by the train in 1 hour = Total distance / Total time


Total distance covered by the train = 1,28,744 km

Total time taken = 28 hours

Distance covered by the train in 1 hour = 1,28,744 km / 28 hours


Distance covered by the train in 1 hour = 4,597 km

So, the distance covered by the train in 1 hour is 4,597 kilometers.

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