find the square number from the list given below:-
pls give me the correct answer ​

Answer :


find the square number from the list given below:-


pls give me the correct answer


To find the square numbers from the given list, we can simply check if the square root of each number is an integer.

Here are the square numbers from the list:

  • [tex] \mathcal{ {4}^{2} = 16 \: (NOT \: IN \: THE \: LIST) }[/tex]
  • [tex] \mathcal{ {5}^{2} = 25 \: (IN \: THE \: LIST) }[/tex]
  • [tex] \mathcal{} {7}^{2} = 49 \: (IN \: THE \: LIST)[/tex]
  • [tex] \mathcal{ {10}^{2} = 100 \: (IN \: THE \: LIST)}[/tex]

So, the square numbers from the given list are 25, 49, and 100.