Rewrite these sentences replacing each group of words in italics with a single word or short phrase: EXAMPLE: She was wearing a dress that was new. She was wearing a new dress. 1 He behaved in a foolish manner. 2 He was a man who talked a great deal. 3 The man who was driving the car saw what happened. ино 4 He moved closer in order that he might be able to hear more clearly. 5 After this item on the programme had taken place a comedian appeared. 6 After some time had passed, he went back to the shop. .7 Before doing anything else you should read the instructions. 8 In the end the committee made its decision. 9 What he intended to do was clear to everyone. 10 The desk was so heavy that I could not lift it. 11 They were certain that they would be successful. 12 After he saw what had happened, the driver stopped. 13 It is probable that you are right. 14 Everyone went home with the exception of Peter. 15 She was afraid that she might fail.​

Answer :


bgahV acFzbnmasgfcvsgggggggggggggggggggggzavtzf875847343563666336637ghdhgg


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