
The product of two numbers is 492,000. If one of the number is 48. What is the other number? A shopkeeper has 5,789 candies. He packs them and put 20 candies in each packet. How many packets of candies does he get? How many candies are left over?​

Answer :


To find the other number when the product of two numbers is given, you can divide the product by the known number.

1. Product of two numbers is 492,000, and one number is 48.

Let the other number be x. So, 48 * x = 492,000.

Therefore, x = 492,000 / 48 = 10,250.

So, the other number is 10,250.

2. The shopkeeper has 5,789 candies and puts 20 candies in each packet.

The number of packets = 5,789 / 20 = 289 packets.

Remaining candies = 5,789 % 20 = 9 candies.