SECTION C: CONCEPT BASED QUESTIONS Differentiate between Prehistory and History. ②Explain the utility of inscriptions as a source of history with the help of an example. What are monuments? Describe how do they help the historians? Who studies skeletons? Explain how they list their findings.​

please tell

Answer :


History Prehistory

The study of time period succeeding prehistory is called history The study of the time period preceding history is called prehistory.

History is the study of the past starting from the time period when the writing system was introduced and written records were maintained. Prehistory is the study of the past, even before writing was invented and written records were maintained. It is the study of the time period between the usage of stone tools and the invention of the writing system.

Written records of the past events are the source of information. Artefacts, Carvings on rocks etc are the sources of information while studying prehistory.

Research on History is carried out by historians. Rare manuscripts written on leaves, dried animals skins, and papers are some of the sources used to study history. Research on prehistory is carried out by archaeologists and anthropologists who use excavation, geology, molecular genetics, palaeontology etc. Hence a wide variety of social and natural sciences are used to study prehistory.

Study of History can be classified into different domains like Ancient History, Contemporary History, Modern History, Political History, Military History, Cultural History, Economic History, Environmental History, History based on different Geographical locations, People’s history, Intellectual history etc. Prehistory studies 3 different time periods – stone age, bronze age and iron age

Answer: Sure, let’s go through each of your questions:


Prehistory vs History:

Prehistory refers to the time period before written records were kept. This includes the study of early humans, their societies, and their cultures1. It is the study of the past, even before writing was invented and written records were maintained1.

History, on the other hand, refers to the time period after the invention of writing and the recorded events and actions of human civilizations1. It involves the study and interpretation of written records, artifacts, and other sources of past information1.

Utility of Inscriptions as a Source of History:

Inscriptions are considered a reliable source of ancient history as they are generally devoid of myths and narrate the facts2. They provide valuable information which could not be tampered or modified3.

For example, the Ashokan inscriptions, which are 39 in number, provide detailed information about the Ashokan period2. The name of Ashoka occurs only in copies of Minor rock edict 1st found at 3 places of Karnataka and one place at Madhya Pradesh2.

Monuments and Their Utility for Historians:

A monument is anything that reminds us of a person, an event, or an idea from the past4. Monuments can express the collective goals, joys, and sorrows of a society4.

Monuments provide an especially useful educational service because they serve double duty. They mark historical events or figures and reflect the prevailing values of the time in which they were created5. They help to explain the chronology of events, important developments as they are substantiated by material evidence6.

Study of Skeletons:

The study of skeletons is carried out by osteologists7. They can determine an individual’s sex, age at death, stature, and if they suffered specific types of trauma and/or disease7.

For example, the first thing an osteologist might want to know is the sex of the person. There are two parts of the body most useful for determining sex: the pelvis and the skull8. As you might expect, females have wider pelvises, which are necessary for childbirth