Answer :


Three inventions that have significantly reduced the time and labor required for farming are:

1. **Tractor:** The tractor revolutionized agriculture by replacing animal power with mechanical power. Tractors are used for plowing, planting, and harvesting, reducing the time and labor required for these tasks. They are also more efficient than animal power, allowing farmers to work larger areas of land in less time.

2. **Mechanical Seed Drill:** The mechanical seed drill is a device used for planting seeds in rows at a consistent depth and spacing. It replaced manual methods of planting, such as broadcasting seeds by hand, and significantly reduced the time and labor required for planting crops. Mechanical seed drills also improve seed placement, leading to better crop yields.

3. **Combine Harvester:** The combine harvester is a machine that combines the processes of harvesting, threshing, and cleaning grain crops into a single operation. It replaced manual harvesting and threshing methods, which were labor-intensive and time-consuming. Combine harvesters can harvest crops such as wheat, barley, and rice much faster and more efficiently than manual methods, reducing the time and labor required for harvesting.

These inventions have revolutionized agriculture by increasing efficiency, reducing labor costs, and allowing farmers to work larger areas of land. They have played a crucial role in increasing food production and meeting the growing demand for food worldwide.

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Improved access to electricity to increase efficiency and reduce food loss. ...

Increased internet connectivity to access information and knowledge to improve productivity on their farms. ...

Mobile devices and platforms connect smallholder farmers to markets.

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