an athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200 m in 40 seconds.what will be the distance covered and the displacement at the end of 2 minutes 20 seconds?​

Answer :


First, let's find out the distance covered in 2 minutes 20 seconds.

1. Calculate the distance covered in one round:

The circumference of the circular track = π × diameter

Circumference = π × 200 m = 628.32 m (approximately)

2. Calculate the distance covered in 2 minutes 20 seconds:

Time taken for one round = 40 seconds

Number of rounds completed in 2 minutes 20 seconds:

\( \frac{2 \times 60 + 20}{40} = \frac{140}{40} = 3.5 \) rounds (approximately)

Total distance covered = 3.5 rounds × circumference

Total distance covered = 3.5 × 628.32 m ≈ 2199.12 m

So, the distance covered at the end of 2 minutes 20 seconds is approximately 2199.12 meters.

Now, let's find the displacement.

Since the athlete completes 3.5 rounds, he/she ends up at a point on the circular track which is not the starting point. The displacement is the straight-line distance between the starting point and the ending point.

For every complete round, the displacement is equal to the diameter of the circular track. So, the total displacement after 3.5 rounds is:

Displacement = 3.5 × diameter

= 3.5 × 200 m

= 700 m

So, the displacement at the end of 2 minutes 20 seconds is 700 meters.


To find the distance covered, we first need to calculate how many rounds the athlete completes in 2 minutes 20 seconds.

2 minutes 20 seconds is equivalent to 140 seconds.

The time taken to complete one round is 40 seconds.

So, in 140 seconds, the athlete completes 14040=3.540140=3.5 rounds. Since the athlete can't complete half a round, we consider only complete rounds.

Therefore, the distance covered is 3.5×200 m=700 m3.5×200m=700m.

The displacement at the end of the race is the distance between the starting and ending points, which is the diameter of the track, i.e., 200 meters.

Hope my answer will help you.


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