Answer :


In The Night the Ghost Got In, the Bodwells may feel unsettled, scared, and desperate at this moment. Mrs. Bodwell's statement, "We'll sell the house and go back to Peoria," suggests that she trusts her neighbors enough to confide in them about her plans to leave town, but she may not have a positive opinion of her current neighbors or neighborhood. The Bodwells may also feel frustrated, scared, and desperate given the strange and unsettling events happening in their home.

For example, Mrs. Bodwell has been suffering from mild attacks for the last few years, and she wants to sell the house and shift to Peoria. When the narrator's mother hears "two or three of them, whooping and carrying on and slamming doors," she realizes that the noises are made by a ghost and not a burglar because the noises continue even after they have searched the house thoroughly.

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