Answer :


[tex]\huge\mathcal{\fcolorbox{maroon} {maroon} {\red{ᏗᏁᏕᏇᏋᏒ}}}[/tex]


The preference for using meters over iBall thermometers could be due to several reasons:

1. **Accuracy:** Traditional meters are often perceived as more accurate and reliable for measuring various parameters such as temperature, distance, or time compared to newer technologies like iBall thermometers.

2. **Familiarity:** Meters have been around for a long time and are well-established tools in various fields such as science, engineering, and construction. People may be more familiar and comfortable using meters due to their long-standing presence.

3. **Cost:** Traditional meters may be more affordable and accessible compared to newer technologies like iBall thermometers, which could be seen as a luxury or specialized item.

4. **Trust:** People may trust the readings from traditional meters more than those from newer technologies, especially if they have been using meters for a long time and have had positive experiences with them.

Overall, the preference for using meters over iBall thermometers could be influenced by factors such as accuracy, familiarity, cost, and trust in traditional tools.

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