hi. if rectilinear propagation means two objects moving in a straight path then how can we say that light moves in rectilinear propagation. Why can we not call it as linear propagation?​

Answer :


Rectilinear propagation and linear propagation essentially mean the same thing: the movement of light or any other wave in straight lines. Both terms are used interchangeably to describe this phenomenon. So, you can certainly refer to light as moving in linear propagation if you prefer. It's just a matter of semantics.


When we say light moves in rectilinear propagation, we mean that light travels in straight lines. The term "rectilinear" is used to emphasize that light doesn't curve or bend on its own, unless it encounters an obstacle or medium that causes it to change direction. So, we use "rectilinear propagation" to describe the straight path that light takes unless it interacts with something that causes it to deviate.

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