
all integer which when multiply by minus 12 / - 9 to result in reciprocal of that integer the integer is a part - 19 b part 3 c part - 3 d part 4​

Answer :


We are told that an integer (let's call it "x") multiplied by a fraction, then equals the reciprocal of itself. Here's how we can find "x":

Step-by-step explanation:

Reciprocal of x: The reciprocal of x is simply 1/x.

Multiply by -12/-9: The problem states "x multiplied by -12/-9". This is the same as multiplying by 4/3 (since dividing by a negative number is the same as multiplying by its inverse).

So, according to the problem:

x * (4/3) = 1/x

Solve for x: To solve for x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by x:

x^2 * (4/3) = 1


(4/3) * x^2  = 1

x^2  = 3/4

Take the Square Root (be cautious): We can take the square root of both sides to find x. However, be aware that squaring a number can result in both positive and negative versions of the root.

x = ±√(3/4)

Taking the square root of 3/4 gives us:

Positive square root: x = √(3/4) ≈ 0.866 (approximately)

Negative square root: x = -√(3/4) ≈ -0.866 (approximately)

Checking Solutions:

The problem asks for an integer solution (a whole number). Neither √(3/4) nor -√(3/4) are integers.  Therefore, there are NO integer solutions for "x" that satisfy the given conditions.

Answer: There are NO integer solutions for this problem.



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