Answer :

Fashion comes from within our selves we dnt need to follow people to become fashionable.
It is the way we express our selves. The way we live is also a kind of expressing fashion.
It the differentiation between style and fashion is quality. For me every day is a fashion show and the world is my runway. Fashion is not a thing that you need to change your self to fit it but it is a thing to change to fit it on yourself. Fashion is a statement, not a style, it is fit for all people of all ages and all sizes. IT is an art of personal self- expression, not an excuse to be pretty or to be popular . It is not some thing that exisists in dresses only, it is in the sky, in the street, it has to do with ideas, the way we live, and we would like to live. It is a kind of new era fashion, that consist on rules.

Hope it helps u!!

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