Answer :

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The Pope exercised authority over people in Western Europe in several ways, but two notable methods were:

1. **Spiritual Leadership**: As the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope held significant influence over the religious beliefs and practices of the populace. This spiritual authority extended to matters of doctrine, morality, and church governance, often influencing societal norms and values.

2. **Political Power**: The Pope also wielded political power, often playing a crucial role in legitimizing rulers and influencing political decisions. For example, the Pope's ability to crown emperors, such as the crowning of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III, established the precedent that no man would be emperor in Western Europe without being crowned by a Pope. Additionally, the Pope could use tools like excommunication to enforce authority, which could delegitimize a ruler's divine right to govern.

These methods of exercising authority helped the Pope maintain a central role in both the spiritual and temporal realms of Western Europe during the Middle Ages.


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