Answer :

See carefully ...

there written that ..

An adjective clause modifies a noun or a pronoun , answering questions like "which?" or "what kind of ?" in a sentence .

so it means that..

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Adjective clause



Apologies for the oversight in the previous response. Let me clarify why "who phoned" is an adjective clause in the sentence "the man who phoned is my cousin."

An adjective clause, also known as a relative clause, functions to modify or describe a noun in the sentence. In this case, "who phoned" modifies the noun "man" by providing additional information about him.

Here's a breakdown:

- "The man" is the main noun phrase in the sentence.

- "Who phoned" is the relative clause that provides additional information about "the man."

Now, let's break down "who phoned":

- "Who" is a relative pronoun that introduces the clause and connects it to the noun it modifies, which is "man" in this case.

- "Phoned" is the verb within the clause, providing information about the action performed by "the man."

So, "who phoned" acts as an adjective clause because it functions to modify or describe the noun "man" by providing information about which man we are talking about (the one who phoned). Therefore, the correct answer is (2) adjective clause.

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