group of 20 people went to a restaurant. 9 of them ordered a meal of 42.20 each and 7 of, them ordered a meal of 47.60 each and rest ordered a meal of 50 each.

1) Total money spent by 20 people is

2) How much money is spent by 9 people who ordered same meal? ​

Answer :

1 ans 139.80
2 ans 42.20


1) ₹913.00

2) ₹ 379.80

Step-by-step explanation:

1) Cost of the first meal = ₹ 42.20

No. of people = 9

Total cost = ₹ 42.20× 9

= ₹ 379.80

Cost of second meal = ₹ 47.60

No. of people = 7

Total cost = ₹ 47.60× 7

= ₹333.20

Total people = 20

People who have already ordered meal = (7+9)= 16

People who are left = 20-16

= 4

Cost of third meal = ₹50

No. of people = 4

Total cost = ₹50× 4

= ₹200

Money spent by the group on first meal = ₹379.80

Money spent by the group on sec meal = ₹333.20

Money spent by the group on third meal= ₹200

Total money spent by the group on all meal=

₹ 379.80

+ ₹ 333.20

+ ₹ 200.00

₹ 913.00

Therefore, the total money spent by 20 people is ₹913.00 .

2) Cost of the first meal = ₹ 42.20

No. of people = 9

Total cost = ₹ 42.20× 9

= ₹ 379.80

Therefore, the money spent by 9 people who ordered same meal is ₹ 379.80

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