Answer :


Coating the leaves of a healthy plant with vaseline would likely hinder the plant's ability to carry out essential physiological functions, leading to its decline over time.

Vaseline is an oily substance that forms a barrier on the surface of the leaves, preventing them from performing important processes such as gas exchange (through stomata), transpiration (the loss of water vapor), and photosynthesis (the conversion of light energy into chemical energy).

Gas exchange is crucial for the plant's uptake of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen, which are necessary for photosynthesis. Additionally, transpiration helps regulate water balance within the plant and cool its tissues. By coating the leaves with vaseline, these processes would be disrupted, ultimately compromising the plant's health and vitality.

Without proper gas exchange and transpiration, the plant would likely experience physiological stress, leading to wilting, leaf damage, reduced growth, and potentially death if the condition persists. Therefore, coating the leaves of a healthy plant with vaseline would not be beneficial and could harm the plant in the long run.

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