Answer :


Allied sectors of agriculture are those industries that are directly connected to agriculture and provide inputs or support to the agricultural sector or process the agricultural outputs. They play a vital role in the Indian economy by:

* **Increasing agricultural productivity** by providing essential inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, and machinery.

* **Reducing post-harvest losses** through proper storage, transportation, and processing facilities.

* **Adding value to agricultural products** through processing and marketing, which increases farmer income.

* **Generating employment** in rural areas.

Here are the important allied sectors of agriculture in India:

1. **Animal Husbandry**

* This sector deals with the rearing, breeding, and management of livestock, including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, etc.

* It provides milk, meat, eggs, wool, and hides, which are essential components of a balanced diet and generate income for farmers.

2. **Dairying**

* This sector deals with the production, processing, and marketing of milk and milk products like butter, cheese, ghee, yogurt, etc.

* India is the world's largest milk producer, and dairying is a significant source of income for millions of rural households.

3. **Fisheries**

* This sector deals with the catching, processing, and marketing of fish and other aquatic products.

* India has a vast coastline and inland water resources, making fisheries a potential source of income and nutrition.

4. **Horticulture**

* This sector deals with the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, mushrooms, etc.

* Horticulture provides essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber and is a high-value agricultural product.

5. **Poultry**

* This sector deals with the rearing of birds for meat and eggs.

* Poultry is a source of protein and income for farmers and is a growing sector in India.

6. **Sericulture**

* This sector deals with the rearing of silkworms for the production of silk.

* India is a major producer of silk, and sericulture provides employment opportunities in rural areas.

7. **Agricultural Marketing**

* This sector deals with the marketing and distribution of agricultural products from farms to consumers.

* An efficient marketing system ensures that farmers get a fair price for their produce and consumers have access to fresh and affordable food.

8. **Agricultural Processing**

[Image of Agricultural Processing in India]

* This sector deals with the processing of agricultural products into value-added products like jams, jellies, pickles, processed fruits and vegetables, etc.

* Processing reduces spoilage, increases shelf life, and adds value to agricultural products.

The allied sectors of agriculture are essential for the growth and development of the Indian economy. By investing in these sectors, the government can improve agricultural productivity, increase farmer income, and ensure food security for the nation.

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