Answer :


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  • what are cell organelles?

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Cell organelles are specialized structures within a cell that perform specific functions necessary for the cell's survival, growth, and reproduction. These organelles are enclosed within the cell membrane and are found in eukaryotic cells. Each organelle has a distinct structure and function. Some common cell organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and chloroplasts (in plant cells). These organelles work together to carry out various cellular processes such as protein synthesis, energy production, and waste disposal.


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[tex]{ \boxed{ \bold{ \pink{By~ - ~Devu✨♡}}}}[/tex]



Cell organelles are specialized structures within a cell that perform specific functions necessary for the cell's survival, growth, and reproduction. These organelles are enclosed within the cell membrane and are found in eukaryotic cells. Each organelle has a distinct structure and function. Some common cell organelles include the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and chloroplasts (in plant cells). These organelles work together to carry out various cellular processes such as protein synthesis, energy production, and waste disposal.

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