The problems of water being wasted and siltation means that building more dams will not solve Pakistan’s water shortage-the solution is to reduce inefficient use of water.

Answer :


Absolutely, building more dams alone won't solve Pakistan's water shortage issues. While dams can help in managing water resources to some extent, addressing inefficiencies in water use is crucial for long-term sustainability.

Reducing inefficient water use involves implementing various strategies such as improving irrigation techniques, promoting water-saving technologies in agriculture, fixing leakages in water supply systems, implementing water recycling and reuse systems, and raising awareness about the importance of water conservation among the population.

Furthermore, addressing issues like water wastage and siltation requires comprehensive planning, management, and collaboration between various stakeholders including government agencies, communities, and industries. It's essential to adopt a holistic approach that considers both supply-side and demand-side management strategies to ensure efficient and sustainable water resource management in Pakistan.