Answer :


Earth is a spherical body containing 75% of water and rest landmass and is divided into layers . This planet contains gases that are essential for life...


Earth is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system. It is the only known celestial body to support life. The Earth is a dynamic and complex planet, consisting of various interconnected systems that work together to create a suitable environment for living organisms.

The Earth has a solid outer layer called the crust, which is divided into several tectonic plates that can move and interact, leading to geological phenomena such as earthquakes and volcanic activity. Beneath the crust is the mantle, a layer of hot, semi-solid rock, and at the center is the Earth's core, composed mainly of iron and nickel.

The Earth's atmosphere is a mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), with traces of other gases. The atmosphere plays a vital role in protecting and sustaining life on Earth by regulating temperature, providing oxygen for respiration, and filtering harmful radiation from the Sun.

The Earth is known for its diverse ecosystems, including vast oceans, lush forests, expansive grasslands, and towering mountains. These ecosystems support a wide array of plant and animal species, creating a rich biodiversity.

The Earth also experiences various climatic conditions due to factors such as the tilt of its axis, its rotation around the Sun, and the distribution of land and water. This results in different climate zones, ranging from tropical rainforests to arid deserts and polar regions. civilization has flourished on Earth, with societies developing agriculture, technology, and culture. Humans have shaped the planet through their activities, impacting ecosystems and the environment.

Overall, Earth is a remarkable and unique planet, providing a home for a diverse range of life forms and offering breathtaking natural wonders. It is our responsibility to care for and protect this precious planet for future generations.



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