
Write a THESIS STATEMENT about the differences and similarities for Boy in the Striped Pajamas (Use my Introduction Paragraph to help you)

Introduction Paragraph:

During the time of World War ll, Nazi Germany inflicted terror on the Jewish population, relegating, them to the status of outcasts within their own country. This period of history has inspired numerous books, both fictional and non-fictional, to sighed light on the atrocities endured by many. One fictional book created about this event is in “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”, where the unlikely friendship between two boys, one German and the other Jewish, transcends the barriers of their tragic circumstances.


Answer :



This Statement: John Boyne's novel, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, explores the power of innocence and friendship to bridge unimaginable divides. Despite living on opposite sides of a fence that embodies the brutal social and political realities of Nazi Germany, Bruno, a sheltered German child, and Shmuel, a Jewish boy imprisoned in a concentration camp, forge a bond based on shared humanity and childlike curiosity. Their unlikely friendship exposes the devastating consequences of prejudice while offering a glimmer of hope and highlighting the enduring power of human connection in the face of unimaginable horror.

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The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was published in 2006, by author John Boyne. It has sold eleven million copies worldwide. It has also been adapted into a movie, ballet, and an opera. The book is for Young Adult readers, and the main characters in the book are around nine years old. However, the subject matter and plot are also suited to more mature readers. The book is classified in the genre of Holocaust fiction and has been both acclaimed and criticized.The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Setting

The book starts in 1942 Berlin. Germany is deeply involved with World War II and Nazi philosophies. So far, Germany has been largely successful in its goals for the war and Europe. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas's plot takes the main character, Bruno, and his family to Auschwitz. The remainder of the story takes place in and around the Auschwitz camp.The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Summary

Bruno is a nine-year-old boy living in Berlin during World War II. He lives in a large house with his family, and his father is a military officer in the Nazi Party. However, Bruno does not know much about the Nazi party, the war, or his father's job. He enjoys exploring Berlin with his best friends and avoiding the company of his big sister, Gretel. The story begins in Berlin but does not remain there long.

Bruno returns home from school one day to find Maria, the family's housekeeper, packing their belongings in preparation for a move. His father has been promoted to commandant at Auschwitz, and the family must leave for their new home. The children call Auschwitz "Out-With." Bruno does not like the smaller house and finds it unwelcoming. He also feels uneasy with all of the soldiers around.

It does not take Bruno long to notice the people in striped pajamas and hats living and working beyond the nearby fence. He takes his curiosity to his father and asks who they are. His father tells him they are not people or worthy of his notice. Bruno is confused by his father's stance. He injures himself one day, and an older Jewish man helps to bandage the wound. This man makes and serves food in their house, but he had once been a doctor. Bruno does not understand why a doctor would become a cook and waiter.Lesson Summary

Bruno, at nine years old, moves to the Auschwitz concentration camp when his father is promoted to commandant. There he meets Shmuel, a Jewish prisoner of the same age. Bruno and Shmuel form a deep friendship. The friendship holds up even after Bruno betrays Shmuel by denying knowing him after giving him chicken to eat. The boys devise a plan for Bruno to put on a pair of striped pajamas and slip under the fence to Shmuel's side. They are successful, but the boys end up being marched to the gas chamber and die together.

John Boyne has been both acclaimed and criticized for the story. Many find that fictional stories of the Holocaust do a disservice to the atrocities that were committed. However, Boyne has earned many awards for his story. The themes of family, friendship, innocence, and warfare using the backdrop of World War II makes the story resonate with many people.


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