Answer :


To find out how much time Mohit will take to make 8 rounds, you can multiply the time he takes for one round by the number of rounds.

Given that Mohit takes 4 1/2 minutes to complete one round, let's first convert 4 1/2 minutes into a fraction of minutes. Since 1/2 hour is 30 minutes, 1/2 minute is 30/2 = 15 seconds. Therefore, 4 1/2 minutes is 4 minutes and 15 seconds, or 4 + 15/60 = 4 1/4 minutes.

Now, to find the time for 8 rounds:

Time for 1 round = 4 1/4 minutes = 4.25 minutes

Time for 8 rounds = 4.25 minutes/round * 8 rounds = 34 minutes

So, Mohit will take 34 minutes to make 8 rounds in the park.

Step-by-step explanation:

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