Answer :


Answer: A desert is a landscape or region with little or no rainfall and extreme temperatures making the conditions unsuitable for plant and animal life. Features of a desert: Rainfall is very low and irregular. Temperatures are extremely high or extremely low


The Desert Summary in English

Many people hold the opinion that a desert is nothing more than an endless stretch of land. Furthermore, people have this impression of deserts that they are dry, thin, waterless, hot, and without shelter. So, people hold a negative opinion about deserts.

In contrast to general opinion, deserts are beautiful places on Earth. Furthermore, deserts are home to a variety of plants and animals. It is certainly a rare precious sight where desert bloom exists as rainfall takes place.

No difference exists between the desert and tropical land. Deserts are filled with hills or mountains but not necessarily a flat land. An oasis is similar to a green island that one can find in the middle of the desert.

Deserts may consist of green plants and trees. Such plants and trees certainly provide comfort and shelter. Furthermore, deserts can also consist of springs.