Answer :


the two numbers are 72 and 54

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the required numbers be 4x and 3x.

According to the question, the two numbers differ by 18.

Thus, 4x – 3x = 18

x = 18

Required numbers

4x = (4 × 18) = 72

3x = (3 × 18) = 54

Therefore, the two numbers are 72 and 54


54 and 72


−54 and −72


Step-by-step explanation:

Let the two numbers be 3x and 4x. (They are in ratio 3:4)

It is given that their difference is 18.

=> |4x − 3x| = 18

=> |1x| = 18

=> |x| = 18

=> x = ±18

Hence, x = ±18.

Now, since the numbers we assumed were 3x and 4x, put the value of x in them.

  • 3x = 3(±18) = ±54
  • 4x = 4(±18) = ±72

Hence, the required numbers are ±54 and ±72.

In other words, the required pairs of numbers are,

  • 54 and 72
  • −54 and −72

Both the numbers in each pair satisfy the given conditions. Hence, their are two answers to this question.

  • 54 and 72
  • −54 and −72


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