A multinational e-commerce company, E-ShopX, is preparing for its annual flash sale event, which attracts millions of online shoppers. As a cybersecurity analyst hired by E-ShopX, you are tasked with ensuring the security of the company's systems and infrastructure during this critical period.

Malicious Code Incident:
b. Scenario: As the flash sale approaches, E-ShopX becomes a prime target for cyberattacks,
including denial of service (DoS) attacks aimed at disrupting the website's availability and
causing financial losses.
As the cybersecurity analyst, what proactive measures would you implement to protect E-ShopX's systems and infrastructure from potential denial of service (DoS) attacks during the flash sale event? Describe the strategies and technologies you would deploy to detect, mitigate, and respond to DoS attacks in real-time to ensure uninterrupted service for online shoppers.
(5 Marks)​

Answer :


To protect E-ShopX's systems and infrastructure from potential denial of service (DoS) attacks during the flash sale event, several proactive measures can be implemented:

1. **Network Traffic Monitoring**: Deploy network monitoring tools to continuously monitor incoming traffic to the website. Use anomaly detection algorithms to identify unusual spikes or patterns in traffic that may indicate a DoS attack in progress.

2. **Traffic Filtering and Rate Limiting**: Implement traffic filtering mechanisms and rate limiting rules at the network perimeter to filter out malicious traffic and limit the number of requests from individual IP addresses or geographic regions. This can help mitigate the impact of DoS attacks by preventing overwhelming traffic from reaching the website.

3. **Web Application Firewall (WAF)**: Deploy a WAF to inspect and filter incoming web traffic for malicious payloads and suspicious patterns. Configure the WAF to block requests that exhibit characteristics of DoS attacks, such as excessive HTTP requests or unusual user-agents.

4. **Content Delivery Network (CDN)**: Utilize a CDN to distribute website content across multiple servers and data centers geographically. CDN caching can help absorb and mitigate the impact of DoS attacks by offloading traffic and serving cached content to users, even if the origin servers are under attack.

5. **Load Balancing**: Implement load balancing technology to distribute incoming traffic evenly across multiple servers and resources. Load balancers can help mitigate the impact of DoS attacks by distributing traffic effectively and preventing any single server from becoming overwhelmed.

6. **DDoS Mitigation Service**: Partner with a DDoS mitigation service provider that specializes in detecting and mitigating large-scale DDoS attacks in real-time. These services typically employ advanced traffic analysis techniques and large-scale filtering capabilities to mitigate the impact of DoS attacks quickly and effectively.

7. **Incident Response Plan**: Develop and maintain a comprehensive incident response plan specifically tailored to address DoS attacks. Define roles and responsibilities for incident response team members, establish communication channels, and outline procedures for detecting, mitigating, and recovering from DoS incidents.

8. **Continuous Testing and Training**: Regularly conduct penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential weaknesses in the website's infrastructure. Additionally, provide training and awareness programs for employees to recognize and respond to DoS attacks effectively.

By implementing these proactive measures, E-ShopX can enhance the security of its systems and infrastructure during the flash sale event and minimize the risk of disruption from denial of service (DoS) attacks.

please mark me brainliest