Complete the following activity. Ratio of two adjacent sides of a parallelogram is 3:4 and its perimeter is 112 cm. find length of adjacent sides​

Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:

To find the length of the adjacent sides of the parallelogram, we first need to understand that in a parallelogram, opposite sides are equal in length.

Let the lengths of the two adjacent sides of the parallelogram be \(3x\) and \(4x\) (where \(x\) is a common multiplier).

The perimeter of the parallelogram is the sum of all its sides, which is twice the sum of the lengths of the adjacent sides:

\[ \text{Perimeter} = 2 \times (3x + 4x) \]

Given that the perimeter is \(112 \, \text{cm}\), we can set up the equation:

\[ 112 = 2 \times (3x + 4x) \]

\[ 112 = 2 \times 7x \]

\[ 56 = 7x \]

\[ x = \frac{56}{7} = 8 \]

Now that we have found the value of \(x\), we can find the lengths of the adjacent sides:

First side: \(3x = 3 \times 8 = 24 \, \text{cm}\)

Second side: \(4x = 4 \times 8 = 32 \, \text{cm}\)

So, the lengths of the adjacent sides of the parallelogram are \(24 \, \text{cm}\) and \(32 \, \text{cm}\).

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the ratio terms be X

Perimeter of the parallelogram =112cm

Acc. to the question.





1st side= 3x=3*8


2nd side= 4x= 4*8


Ans- 24cm,32cm,24cm, 32cm

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