Answer :

During the Cenozoic era, Ethiopia experienced significant geological events, including:

1. **Volcanic Activity**: Ethiopia is part of the East African Rift system, which has been active throughout the Cenozoic era. This rift system has led to the formation of numerous volcanic features, including the East African Rift Valley and the Afar Triple Junction.

2. **Plate Tectonics**: The movement of tectonic plates in the region has caused the formation of the East African Rift, which continues to shape the landscape of Ethiopia.

3. **Sedimentary Deposition**: Throughout the Cenozoic era, sedimentary rocks have been deposited in various parts of Ethiopia, reflecting changes in climate, sea level, and landscape.

4. **Erosion and Uplift**: Erosional processes, coupled with tectonic uplift, have sculpted the Ethiopian landscape, including the formation of highland plateaus, deep valleys, and escarpments.

5. **Climate Change**: The Cenozoic era saw significant fluctuations in climate, leading to changes in vegetation patterns, the expansion and retreat of glaciers, and the evolution of ecosystems in Ethiopia.

These geological events have played a crucial role in shaping the natural environment and the geological history of Ethiopia during the Cenozoic era.

Hope it helps you

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During the Cenozoic era, Ethiopia experienced significant geological events, including the formation of the East African Rift System. This tectonic activity led to the splitting apart of the African Plate, causing the creation of the Great Rift Valley, which runs through Ethiopia. This region is marked by volcanic activity, with notable volcanic formations like the Simien Mountains and the Erta Ale volcano. Additionally, sedimentary deposits in Ethiopia reveal evidence of past environmental changes and the evolution of life forms over millions of years.

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