3 Friends went to a clock shop. They decided to buy a clock. The shopkeeper said it is of 30 dollars. Each of them gave 10 dollars to shopkeeper and went to home. When the owner of shop came he said shopkeeper to return 5 dollars to friends as clock was of 25 dollars only. The shopkeeper was greedy and kept 2 dollars with him on the road. He gave 1 dolar to each friend. Now according to math the friends had given 9 dollars only each. Now, 9+9+9=27 and 2 dollars were kept by shopkeeper so 27+2=29. Find out where is the 1 dollar ?​

Answer :

This riddle often confuses people due to its wording, but let's clarify the calculations step by step.

1. Initially, the friends collectively paid $30 for the clock, $10 each.

2. The shopkeeper returned $5 to the friends, meaning they effectively paid $25 for the clock ($30 - $5).

3. The shopkeeper then kept $2 for himself, leaving $23 ($25 - $2).

4. The friends received $1 back each, so they effectively paid $9 each ($10 - $1).

5. If we add up the amount each friend paid ($9 + $9 + $9), it equals $27, not $29.

6. There's no missing $1; the confusion arises from trying to reconcile the $27 paid by the friends and the $2 kept by the shopkeeper, which are unrelated sums.

In short, the math error lies in trying to add the $2 kept by the shopkeeper to the $27 paid by the friends. There's no logical connection between these two sums. The total amount paid by the friends ($27) and the amount kept by the shopkeeper ($2) are two separate and unrelated amounts.

Hope this helps ! Please rate me as Brainliest !

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