Answer :


Choosing between a peaceful life and money can be a complex decision, as both have their merits and importance. However, if I had to choose, I would prioritize a peaceful life. While money can provide comfort and security, inner peace and contentment are invaluable. A peaceful life encompasses not just absence of conflict, but also emotional well-being, meaningful relationships, and a sense of fulfillment. Without peace, even the wealthiest person can feel impoverished. Moreover, a peaceful life often leads to better health, stronger bonds with others, and a deeper appreciation for the simple joys of existence. Ultimately, while money can enhance aspects of life, true happiness and satisfaction stem from inner peace and harmony.


1. Money : You can neither be Peaceful nor Powerful when you are hungry. Only Money can put the bread on the table.

2. Peace : Once your stomach is full you can choose to be at peace. It is your choice if only your greed doesn't come in your way.

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