Sonu‚monu and ram were three friends. Devon for a picnic but Sonu and Monu by mistake left the tiffin at home Ram shared s for sandwiches and Faisla 2 with them find How much part of Sandwich and laddu will each of them will get also write the value of depicted by Ram

Answer :


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Let's break this down step by step:

1. Ram shared his sandwiches and laddus with Sonu and Monu.

2. There were 4 sandwiches (s) and 2 laddus (Faisla 2).

3. To divide the food equally among the three friends, we'll divide the total number of items by 3.

Sandwiches: 4 ÷ 3 = 1.33 (each friend gets approximately 1 and 1/3 sandwiches)

Laddus: 2 ÷ 3 = 0.67 (each friend gets approximately 2/3 of a laddu)

The value depicted by Ram is:

- Friendship: Ram shared his food with his friends, showing kindness and generosity.

- Sharing: Ram divided the food equally, demonstrating the importance of sharing and equality in friendship.

- Accommodation: Ram adjusted to the situation and shared his food, even though Sonu and Monu forgot their tiffin.

Ram's actions show that true friends support and accommodate each other, even in small ways like sharing food.

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