Answer :


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1. Pollution makes our air dirty! We cough and can't breathe well.

2. Polluted water makes our fish sick and our rivers smelly.

3. Trash on the ground makes our playgrounds messy and not fun!

4. We can help by throwing trash in bins, not on the ground!

5. Save water by turning off the tap when we brush our teeth!

6. Plant trees! They clean the air and give us shade to play in.

7. Say no to plastic bags! They take forever to disappear.

8. Ride bikes or walk to school! Less cars mean cleaner air.

9. Together we can keep our world clean and healthy!

10. Hooray for a clean and happy planet!


"We love our earth, it's our home sweet home.

Let's keep it clean, and make it a better place to roam.

Don't throw trash on the ground, use a bin instead.

Conserve water, every drop is precious indeed.

Plant flowers and trees, they help keep our air fresh.

Use a bike or walk, it's fun and good exercise too.

Turn off lights and electronics when not in use.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, it's easy as can be.

We can make a difference, you and me!

Let's keep our earth clean and happy, for you and me!"

Hope it helps ❄️☃️

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