Answer :


Technically, a fruit is the ripened ovary and associated bits containing seeds, while a seed is a ripened ovule, containing the embryo and enough stored food to sustain it through the process of germination and the early development of the seedling.


What is seed and fruit?

The seeds and fruits are the results of fertilization or sexual reproduction in plants. The ovary in angiosperms develops into the fruit whereas the ovules become the seeds enclosed within the fruit. Seeds are found both in gymnosperms and angiosperms. Let us individually learn about seeds and fruits.


Seeds and fruits are essential components of the plant life cycle. Seeds are the embryonic plants enclosed within protective coverings, formed after fertilization of the ovule. They serve as a means of reproduction and dispersal for plants. Fruits, on the other hand, develop from the fertilized ovary of a flower and often contain seeds. They play a crucial role in protecting and dispersing seeds, as well as attracting animals for pollination.

Seeds come in various shapes, sizes, and structures, adapted to different methods of dispersal such as wind, water, or animal assistance. Inside a seed, there's an embryo, stored food, and a protective seed coat. This combination ensures the survival and germination of the plant under suitable conditions.

Fruits, meanwhile, exhibit incredible diversity in appearance, taste, and function. Some fruits, like berries, develop from a single ovary and contain seeds embedded within a fleshy pulp. Others, like nuts, develop from a compound ovary and have a hard, protective shell surrounding the seeds. Fruits can be classified into different types based on their structure, including simple, aggregate, and multiple fruits.

Together, seeds and fruits form a critical part of the plant kingdom, facilitating reproduction, dispersal, and the continuation of plant species.

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