Answer :


Child: "Mom, Dad, I was thinking, our fridge is getting old, and it's not cooling properly anymore. Plus, it's getting hotter these days. Can we get a new fridge and maybe an AC for the house?"

Dad: "That's a good idea, dear. It's important to have a working fridge, especially for keeping our food fresh. And with the weather getting warmer, having an AC would definitely make our home more comfortable."

Mom: "Yes, I agree. We've been managing with the old fridge for a while now, but it's time for an upgrade. And having an AC would be a relief during the hot summer days."

Child: "Great! So, should we start looking for a new fridge and AC? I can help with researching the best options and prices."

Dad: "Absolutely. Let's start looking online and maybe visit some stores to see what's available. We'll also need to consider our budget and find something that fits within it."

Mom: "That sounds like a plan. And let's make sure to choose energy-efficient appliances to save on electricity bills in the long run."

Child: "Got it! I'll start searching online right away. Thanks, Mom and Dad!"

Dad: "You're welcome, dear. We'll make sure to find the best appliances for our home."


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Answer:here is your convo between u ur mon n dad about AC

Me: "Mom, Dad, I think it's time we consider getting a new fridge and AC for our home. The current ones are not working efficiently."

Dad: "Yes, I've noticed the fridge isn't cooling as it should, and the AC struggles in this heat."

Mom: "I agree. It's becoming inconvenient, especially with summer approaching."

Me: "I've done some research, and I found a couple of models that are energy-efficient and within our budget. What do you think?"

Dad: "Let's look into it further and compare prices. We should prioritize energy efficiency and durability."

Mom: "That sounds good. It's essential to invest in appliances that will last long and save energy in the long run."

Me: "Great, I'll gather more information and we can make a decision together."

Dad: "Sounds like a plan. Thanks for taking the initiative, dear."


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