Make a project on the story "The Lost Child". You should include the following:
(A) About the the author
(B) Introduction (C) Summary
(D) Character - (a) The child
(b) The parents
(C) The stranger
(E) Theme/Message
(F) Conclusion

Answer :

Sure, here's your project on the story "The Lost Child":

(A) About the author:

"The Lost Child" is a short story written by Mulk Raj Anand, an Indian writer known for his realistic and socially conscious works. Anand was born in 1905 in Peshawar, British India (now in Pakistan), and he became one of the leading figures in Indian English literature. He was a prominent voice against social injustices and inequalities, often depicting the lives of the oppressed and marginalized in his writings.

(B) Introduction:

"The Lost Child" is a poignant narrative that explores the innocence, vulnerability, and emotional turmoil experienced by a young child who gets separated from his parents in a crowded fair. Set against the backdrop of a village fair in India, the story delves into the child's internal conflict as he navigates through the bustling crowd in search of his parents.

(C) Summary:

The story revolves around a young child who accompanies his parents to a village fair. Overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the fair, the child becomes engrossed in the various attractions and momentarily loses sight of his parents. In his desperate attempt to find them, he wanders through the crowd, calling out to them, but to no avail. Despite encountering the allure of toys and sweets, the child remains fixated on reuniting with his parents. Eventually, a stranger notices the distraught child and offers him a handful of sweets, distracting him momentarily from his search. However, the child's heart remains steadfast in his desire to find his parents, and he continues his quest until he is finally reunited with them.

(D) Characters:

(a) The Child: The protagonist of the story, a young and innocent child who gets separated from his parents at the village fair. He experiences fear, anxiety, and longing as he searches for his parents amidst the bustling crowd.

(b) The Parents: Although not explicitly described in detail, the parents play a crucial role in the story as the objects of the child's search and longing. Their absence creates a sense of vulnerability and helplessness in the child.

(c) The Stranger: A minor character who briefly interacts with the lost child at the fair. The stranger offers the child sweets in an attempt to comfort him, albeit momentarily.

(E) Theme/Message:

The central theme of "The Lost Child" revolves around the primal bond between a child and his parents, highlighting the innate longing for security, love, and belonging. The story poignantly portrays the emotional turmoil experienced by the child when separated from his parents, emphasizing the importance of familial relationships amidst the chaos and distractions of the world.

(F) Conclusion:

In conclusion, "The Lost Child" by Mulk Raj Anand is a poignant tale that delves into the universal theme of parental love and the innate desire for security and belonging. Through the protagonist's journey of longing and reunification, the story highlights the emotional depth and resilience of the human spirit, leaving a lasting impact on readers.

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