Create a poem of your own using the given cues. Describe what you can TOUCH (tactile). Describe SOUNDS that you can hear (auditory). Describe what you SEE (visual). Describe what you SMELL (olfactory). Begin with: I love winter afternoons. Winter afternoon Describe what you TASTE (gustatory).​

Answer :


I love winter afternoons,

The crisp air tingles on my skin,

As frost kisses the earth with a gentle touch,

Leaves crunching beneath my feet,

Whispering secrets of winters past.

Sounds of silence fill the air,

Broken only by the distant chirping of birds,

The soft rustle of the wind through barren branches,

And the faint echo of laughter in the distance,

A symphony of tranquility.

Visions of white blankets stretching far and wide,

Glistening under the pale winter sun,

Trees adorned with delicate icicles,

A landscape painted with hues of silver and blue,

Nature's masterpiece unfolding before my eyes.

Inhaling deeply, I smell the scent of pine,

Mixed with hints of wood smoke from distant chimneys,

Aromatic spices wafting from cozy kitchens,

And the earthy fragrance of fallen leaves,

Each breath a reminder of the season's essence.

And as I sip hot cocoa by the fireside,

I taste the warmth of cinnamon and nutmeg,

The sweetness of marshmallows melting on my tongue,

A comforting embrace in a cup,

Winter's indulgence, pure and divine.



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