Collect the data on same student height & weight and prepare a table to find the mean median mode to draw a bar graph

Answer :

Answer: Below!

Step-by-step explanation:

Sure, let's collect some hypothetical data on student heights and weights and then prepare a table to find the mean, median, and mode.

Here's a sample dataset:

| Student | Height (cm) | Weight (kg) |


| 1       | 160         | 50          |

| 2       | 165         | 55          |

| 3       | 170         | 60          |

| 4       | 155         | 45          |

| 5       | 175         | 65          |

| 6       | 162         | 52          |

| 7       | 168         | 58          |

| 8       | 172         | 63          |

| 9       | 158         | 48          |

| 10      | 180         | 70          |

Now, let's calculate the mean, median, and mode for both height and weight:

**Mean (Average):**

To find the mean, we sum up all the values and divide by the total number of values.

Mean Height: \(\frac{160 + 165 + 170 + 155 + 175 + 162 + 168 + 172 + 158 + 180}{10} = 166.5\) cm

Mean Weight: \(\frac{50 + 55 + 60 + 45 + 65 + 52 + 58 + 63 + 48 + 70}{10} = 57.6\) kg


To find the median, we arrange the data in ascending order and find the middle value. If there's an even number of data points, we take the average of the two middle values.

For Height: \(Median = 166.5\) cm

For Weight: \(Median = 57.5\) kg


The mode is the value that appears most frequently in the dataset.

For Height: Mode is not applicable as no value repeats.

For Weight: Mode is not applicable as no value repeats.

Now, let's represent this data in a bar graph. We'll have two bars, one for height and one for weight, showing the mean value. The graph will help visualize the average height and weight of the students.

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