11. Write a letter to your friend congratulating his elder sister on her success in the Joint Entrance Examination. [জয়েন্ট এন্ট্রান্স পরীক্ষায় সফল হওয়ার জন্য তোমার বন্ধুর দিদিকে অভিনন্দন জানিয়ে তোমার বন্ধুকে একটা চিঠি লেখো ।)​

Answer :


A letter to a friend would be informal so you can just focus on the content rather than the format something just try to be more personal rather than sounding like a robot

To My dear Friend John

Hey, how have you been ? I recently heard that you won the essay writing inter-school competition. I was so happy for you though I knew you were gonna win. I remember how you stayed up a whole day to get the final essay done. I am sure it was not easy, you probably worked for around 18 drafts and finally came up with this. I was glad that I could read the final draft before you sent it for the competition and to be honest I wanted to announce you the winner at that very moment because your writing was inspirational.

I just want to congratulate you from me and my family by saying that you make us proud. John don't let anyone stop you I know there are many great things waiting for you and this is just a small piece of it . Keep on making me proud

yours truthfully

jacob xoxo

please mark me as brainlliest


Dear [Friend's Name],

I was so thrilled to hear the amazing news about your sister [Sister's Name] cracking the Joint Entrance Examination!  Please send her my biggest congratulations!  This is a huge accomplishment, and I know how much hard work and dedication it takes to succeed in such a competitive exam.

Tell her I'm incredibly proud of her perseverance and focus throughout her preparation. All those late nights studying must have really paid off!  What are her plans now? Does she have a particular college or program in mind?

It's exciting to think about the next chapter in her academic journey.  I can only imagine the amazing things she'll achieve in the future.  Please let me know if there's a way I can celebrate with her – maybe a virtual dinner or a small get-together once things settle down.

Again, a massive congratulations to [Sister's Name]!  I can't wait to hear all about her future endeavors.

Best wishes to both of you,

[Your Name]

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