Answer :


To convert the hexadecimal number "16" to decimal, follow these steps:

1. **Identify the place values:**

- In hexadecimal, each digit represents a power of 16.

- The rightmost digit is the \(16^0\) place, the next is \(16^1\), and so on.

2. **Write the number "16" in terms of its place values:**

- "16" in hexadecimal can be broken down as:


1 \times 16^1 + 6 \times 16^0


3. **Calculate each term:**

- \(1 \times 16^1 = 1 \times 16 = 16\)

- \(6 \times 16^0 = 6 \times 1 = 6\)

4. **Add the results together:**

- \(16 + 6 = 22\)

So, the hexadecimal number "16" is equal to the decimal number 22.

Therefore, \(16_{16} = 22_{10}\).

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