Answer :


Given system of linear equations is

[tex]\sf \: x + 2y + 3z = 6 \:  \:  \:  \\ \sf \: x + 3y + 5z = 9 \:  \:  \:\\ \sf \: 2x + 5y + az = b [/tex]

The above system of linear equations can be represented in matrix form as

[tex]\sf \: \left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&3\\1&3&5\\2&5& a\end{array}\right] \: \left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\\z\end{array}\right] \:  =  \: \left[\begin{array}{c}6\\9\\b\end{array}\right] \\  [/tex]


[tex]\sf \: A = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&3\\1&3&5\\2&5& a\end{array}\right] \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf \: B = \left[\begin{array}{c}6\\9\\b\end{array}\right] \\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf \: X = \left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\\z\end{array}\right]\\ [/tex]

Now, Consider

[tex]\sf \:  \rho[A:B ]\\ [/tex]

[tex]\qquad\sf \:  =  \: \left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&3\: \:  :&6\\1&3&5\: \:  :&9\\2&5& a\: \:  :&b\end{array}\right]\\ [/tex]

[tex]\qquad\qquad\sf \: OP\:R_2\:\to\:R_2 - R_1 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\qquad\sf \:  =  \: \left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&3\: \:  :&6\\0&1&2\: \:  :&3\\2&5& a\: \:  :&b\end{array}\right] \\ [/tex]

[tex]\qquad\qquad\sf \: OP\:R_3\:\to\:R_3 - 2R_1\\ [/tex]

[tex]\qquad\sf \:  =  \: \left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&3\: \:  :&6\\0&1&2\: \:  :&3\\0&1& a - 6\: \:  :&b - 12\end{array}\right] \\ [/tex]

[tex]\qquad\qquad\sf \: OP\:R_3\:\to\:R_3 - R_2\\ [/tex]

[tex]\qquad\sf \:  =  \: \left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&2&3\: \:  :&6\\0&1&2\: \:  :&3\\0&0& a - 8\: \:  :&b - 15\end{array}\right] \\ [/tex]

Now, for system of linear equations has no solution, we have

[tex]\sf \:  \rho(A) \ne  \rho[ A:B] \\ [/tex]

So, it means

[tex]\sf \: a - 8 = 0 \:  \: and \:  \: b - 15 \ne0\\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\implies \bf \: a = 8 \:  \: and \:  \: b \ne 15\\ [/tex]

Now, we know, for system of linear equations has unique solution.

[tex]\sf \:  \rho(A) =  \rho[ A:B] = number \: of \: variables \\ [/tex]

So, using this result, we get

[tex]\sf \:  \rho(A) =  \rho[ A:B] = 3\\ [/tex]

So, it means

[tex]\sf \: a - 8 \ne 0 \:  \: and \:  \: b \in R\\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\implies \bf \: a = 8 \:  \: and \:  \: b \in R\\ [/tex]

Now, we know, for system of linear equations has infinitely many solutions.

[tex]\sf \:  \rho(A) =  \rho[ A:B] < number \: of \: variables \\ [/tex]

So, using this result, we get

[tex]\sf \:  \rho(A) =  \rho[ A:B] < 3\\ [/tex]

So, it means

[tex]\sf \: a - 8 = 0 \:  \: and \:  \: b - 15 = 0\\ [/tex]

[tex]\sf\implies \bf \: a = 8 \:  \: and \:  \: b = 15\\ [/tex]

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