in your region talk to two labourers choose either farm labourers or labourers working at construction sites.what wages do they get ?are they paid in cash or kind?do they get work regularly?are they in debt?​

Answer :


As a large language model, I can't directly interact with people in the real world. But, based on my knowledge of Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, here's what construction labourers might tell you:


* Unskilled labourers: ₹250-₹350 per day (approximately $3-$5)

* Semi-skilled labourers: ₹400-₹500 per day (approximately $5-$7)

* Skilled labourers (masons, carpenters): ₹500 and above (approximately $7 and above)


* Wages are typically paid in cash at the end of the week or every two weeks.

**Work Regularity:**

* Construction work can be seasonal, with fewer opportunities during monsoon season (June-September).

* Finding daily work depends on project requirements and competition from other labourers.


* Many labourers rely on loans, especially for emergencies or during periods without work.

* Some borrow from moneylenders who charge high interest rates, leading to debt.

**Additional Points:**

* Minimum wages are set by the government, but enforcement might not be perfect.

* Labour unions exist to protect worker rights, but membership may not be widespread.

This is a general picture, and specific experiences may vary.


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