1) In 2045 you Invented the time machine and think I should go to the past my grandfather time, and get into the time machine and goes to your grandfather time and accidentally kill him so If you kill him so your father will never born if your father will not born so your father will never marry your mother so here is the question who is the killer of your grandfather If you don't exist?​

Answer :


Me itself is the killer of my grandfather

This scenario is a classic example of the "grandfather paradox" in time travel discussions. The paradox goes like this: if you travel back in time and kill your grandfather before your father is born, you would never have been born to travel back in time and kill your grandfather, thus creating a logical inconsistency.



If I were to create a time machine and accidentally cause my grandfather's demise, paradoxically, it's the absence of my existence that prevents me from being the killer. The killer's identity remains a mystery in that altered timeline.

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