Abdul, while driving to school, computes the average speed for his trip to be 20 km h-1 . On his return trip along the same route, there is less traffic and the average speed is 30 km h-1 . What is the average speed for Abdul’s trip?​

Answer :


To find the average speed for Abdul's trip, we can use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time

Let's assume the total distance for one-way is D km.

For the first trip to school:

- Speed = 20 km/h

- Time = D / 20

For the return trip:

- Speed = 30 km/h

- Time = D / 30

Total time for the round trip = D / 20 + D / 30

Total distance for the round trip = 2D (going to school and returning)

Now, we can calculate the average speed:

Average Speed = 2D / (D / 20 + D / 30)

Average Speed = 2 / (1/20 + 1/30) [Simplify]

Average Speed = 2 / (3/60 + 2/60)

Average Speed = 2 / (5/60)

Average Speed = 2 * 60 / 5

Average Speed = 24 km/h

Therefore, the average speed for Abdul's trip is 24 km/h.

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