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Don't disturb him, he. (work)

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The correct way to complete this sentence, using the present continuous tense, would be: "Don't disturb him, he is working." The present continuous tense is used because the action (working) is happening right now.

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1. Don't disturb him, he is working.

2. Children love to play on the sand.

3. I have lived all my life in the village.

4. She cut her finger when she was slicing potatoes.

5. I wish you would submit your application by the due date.

6. Will you have some more tea?

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3. All my life in the village.

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It seems like you started a sentence but didn't finish it. Could you please provide more context or complete your sentence? I'm here to help with educational topics.

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3. I ....... All my life in the village. (Live)

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The correct sentence is: "I have lived all my life in the village."

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2. Children..... to play on the sand.

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The sentence can be completed as: "Children love to play on the sand." This is because the verb "love" correctly fits into the sentence, expressing a common enjoyment that children have.

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Evaluate lim x tends to 1 [(1/x^2-1/4)x-2] ?

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To evaluate the limit as tends to 1 for the expression , we can first try to substitute into the expression:

However, this results in a negative number, which is not possible for a limit. This suggests that the expression has a discontinuity at .

Therefore, we need to simplify the expression to remove the discontinuity. We can do this by multiplying the entire expression by :

Simplifying this gives:

Now, we can substitute into the simplified expression:

So, the limit as tends to 1 for the expression is .