collect the seed of wheat jowar bajra and maize try to grow all the seed in same type of soil analyse the result explain these crops according to following points sowing season 2 type of soil yo grow 3 leading producer state 4 harvest season 5 rainfall temperature​

Answer :


**Analysis of Wheat, Jowar, Bajra, and Maize Crop Growth in Similar Soil:**

1. **Sowing Season:**

- **Wheat:** Generally sown in the winter season, from October to December.

- **Jowar:** Sowing season varies with the variety, but it's usually sown during the rainy season, from June to August.

- **Bajra:** Sown in the summer season, from April to June.

- **Maize:** Typically sown in the summer season, from May to July.

2. **Type of Soil to Grow:**

- **Wheat:** Grows best in well-drained loamy soil with a neutral pH.

- **Jowar:** Grows well in sandy loam, black soil, and red soils with good drainage.

- **Bajra:** Thrives in sandy, loamy, and shallow black soils.

- **Maize:** Suitable for a wide range of soils, including loamy, sandy, and well-drained soils.

3. **Leading Producer States:**

- **Wheat:** Leading wheat-producing states in India include Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

- **Jowar:** Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Telangana are among the leading jowar-producing states.

- **Bajra:** Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Gujarat are the top bajra-producing states.

- **Maize:** Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Bihar are leading maize-producing states.

4. **Harvest Season:**

- **Wheat:** Harvested in the spring season, from March to May.

- **Jowar:** Harvested in the winter season, from November to February.

- **Bajra:** Harvested in the autumn season, from September to November.

- **Maize:** Harvesting takes place in the autumn season, from October to December.

5. **Rainfall and Temperature:**

- **Wheat:** Requires cool temperatures during growth and adequate moisture. Rainfall of 50-75 cm is optimal.

- **Jowar:** Grows well in regions with 45-90 cm of rainfall and temperatures between 25-32°C.

- **Bajra:** Thrives in semi-arid regions with 40-100 cm of rainfall and temperatures ranging from 25-35°C.

- **Maize:** Requires moderate rainfall of 50-100 cm and temperatures between 21-30°C for optimum growth.


The analysis shows that each crop

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