Text B. Read this passage about a fearsome creature and answer the
questions that follow.

The floor was covered with the bones of reptiles, fish and other animals.
I shook with horror. I had fallen from the frying pan into the fire. A beast
more ferocious than even the shark-crocodile lived in this den.
What could I do? The cave mouth was guarded by one ferocious monster,
and inside was something too scary to imagine. There was nowhere to run!
I had to find a hiding place which the monsters couldn't enter I looked
around wildly. There was a break in the rock. I rushed inside and hid.
An hour passed. All this while, there was a strange rumbling outside the cave.
Suddenly I heard a groaning, as of fifty bears in a fight - hisses, spitting,
moaning. It was the Ape Gigans! Fourteen feet high, covered with rough,
blackish brown hair, its arms were
as long as its body, while its legs were
huge. It had thick, long, and sharply pointed teeth, like a giant saw

1. what were the floors of the cave covered with?
2. what saying did the narrator use to describe his condition?
3. the unseen creature was more _______ than the _______
4. why was there nowhere to run?
5. where did the narrator hide?
6. What did the narrator here from his Hiding Place? who was it?
7. describe the creature in the passage.
8. the word 'rumbling' means ______
(a) echoing sound (b) thunder
9. which word from the passage means 'fierce' ?
(a) ferocious. (b) hisses​

Answer :


Here are the answers to the questions:

1. The floors of the cave were covered with the bones of reptiles, fish, and other animals.

2. The narrator used the saying "I had fallen from the frying pan into the fire" to describe his condition, meaning he had gone from a bad situation to an even worse one.

3. The unseen creature was more ferocious than the shark-crocodile.

4. There was nowhere to run because the cave mouth was guarded by one ferocious monster, and inside was something too scary to imagine.

5. The narrator hid in a break in the rock.

6. From his hiding place, the narrator heard a groaning sound, like fifty bears in a fight, which was the Ape Gigans.

7. The Ape Gigans was described as a creature fourteen feet high, covered with rough, blackish-brown hair, with arms as long as its body, huge legs, thick, long, and sharply pointed teeth, like a giant saw.

8. The word "rumbling" means (a) echoing sound.

9. The word that means 'fierce' is (a) ferocious.

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