A. Multiple Choice Questions
1. India has a total land area of
(a) 1.28
million hectares.
(b) 2.28
(c) 3.28
2. In the
(a) UK
(c) Australia
(a) Red
(c) Laterite
(d) 4.28
there are over 50,000 different soils.
(b) Canada
(d) United States
soil is mostly found in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Orissa and Jharkhand.
4. The wearing away of soil is called
(a) Deforestation
(c) Afforestation
(b) Black
(d) Alluvial
Soil Erosion
Gully Erosion
0 0
B. State Whether True or False.
1. Wind erosion is caused by strong wind.
2. Desert soil is found in places where there is abundant rain.
3. Mountain soil is found on hill slopes.
4. About 33 per cent of water use is industrial.
C. Short Answer Type Questions
1. Write about the factors responsible for soil formation.
2. Name two factors that are responsible for land degradation.
3. Why are the land resources important? Write any two.
4. Write the names of any two ways to conserve water.

Answer :


Sure, let's organize the responses for each section of the worksheet:

**A. Multiple Choice Questions:**

1. India has a total land area of

(a) 1.28 million hectares.

2. In the

(c) Australia

3. The wearing away of soil is called

(b) Soil Erosion

4. The soil mostly found in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Orissa, and Jharkhand is

(c) Laterite

**B. State Whether True or False:**

1. Wind erosion is caused by strong wind.


2. Desert soil is found in places where there is abundant rain.


3. Mountain soil is found on hill slopes.


4. About 33 per cent of water use is industrial.


**C. Short Answer Type Questions:**

1. Factors responsible for soil formation include:

- Parent material

- Climate

- Organisms

- Topography

- Time

2. Two factors responsible for land degradation are:

- Deforestation

- Overgrazing

3. Land resources are important because:

- They support agriculture, providing food and livelihoods.

- They host biodiversity and ecosystems, contributing to environmental balance.

4. Two ways to conserve water are:

- Rainwater harvesting

- Efficient irrigation techniques like drip irrigation



✨ Hope you are doing well and hope this helps you ☺️ ☺️ ☺️

Sure, let's go through each section of the worksheet:

### A. Multiple Choice Questions

1. India has a total land area of

- (b) 2.28 million hectares.

2. In the _______ there are over 50,000 different soils.

- (d) United States

3. _______ soil is mostly found in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Orissa, and Jharkhand.

- (b) Black

4. The wearing away of soil is called

- (b) Soil Erosion

### B. State Whether True or False

1. Wind erosion is caused by strong wind.

- True

2. Desert soil is found in places where there is abundant rain.

- False

3. Mountain soil is found on hill slopes.

- True

4. About 33 per cent of water use is industrial.

- True

### C. Short Answer Type Questions

1. **Factors responsible for soil formation:**

Soil formation is influenced by factors such as parent material, climate, organisms, topography, and time. These factors interact over time to create different types of soil.

2. **Factors responsible for land degradation:**

Land degradation can be caused by factors such as deforestation, overgrazing, improper agricultural practices, urbanization, industrialization, and climate change.

3. **Importance of land resources:**

Land resources are important because they provide space for agriculture, housing, industry, and infrastructure. They also support biodiversity and ecosystem services crucial for human well-being.

4. **Ways to conserve water:**

Two ways to conserve water include:

- Adopting water-efficient irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation and sprinkler systems.

- Promoting water conservation practices at the household level, such as fixing leaks and using water-saving appliances.

These answers cover the concepts related to soil, land degradation, water conservation, and the importance of land resources.

If you need further clarification feel free to ask

Have a nice day ahead dear✿⁠